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    Just got this 99 Factory frame. I’ve always liked this color combo. It’s in pretty good shape. Anyone else with a 99 frame have the epicenter sticker like this? Both of my 98 Hardtails have a tomato there.

    Just got this 99 Factory frame. I’ve always liked this color combo. It’s in pretty good shape. Anyone else with a 99 frame have the epicenter sticker like this? Both of my 98 Hardtails have a tomato there.


    Blue —


    I’ve seen the frame both ways having worked at a bike shop during 1998-1999-2000,   I had seen some of the early 99’s roll out with a tomato, and then the rest rolled out with the Epicenter Seat Stays sticker.    I’d also seen frames w/out sticker (fell off due to shipping/other common Bassboat sticker issues and not sticking)

    Most 99 frames/HG’s that I have seen, owned, etc all had the Epicenter seat stays sticker.     


    Interesting. I’ve never seen one before like it and it took me by surprise.

    I’ve got another sticker question to pick your brain with. It seems that almost all the 6061 frames have the square “6061” sticker on the downtube right above the BB. Of all the Homegrown pictures I’ve collected and saved, I’ve never seen any 7005 frame with the same square sticker on it. Seems the Factories don’t have them. Do you remember seeing any?


    As I recall, I’ve never seen a Homegrown Factory frame with a sticker like the square 6061..  I know some of the Homegrown Factory/Homegrown XT frames had stickers indicating that Easton provided a specialized aluminum for the frames.    The 1997 series bikes had a frame material sticker just below the Seat tube/top tube welds…   The Easton stickers on the Factory/team issue bikes had them in the same location.     

    I know I’ve seen a few of these Easton stickers/badges on ebay & craigs-lists postings randomly.. to match up exact years I couldn’t begin where to tell you.


    Off topic/track a spell — that’s a fantastic frame you have there in the bassboat red/silver.   I am working on locating one for myself.   Even more off topic – I cannot think of any better paint-job anywhere ever than the 1997 Homegrown Factory bass-boat blue..  or the bass boat blue on the project underground. 

    I went through my boxes of biking stuff again — I don’t have any of the frame material stickers as extras, etc.     Between those, the 1996/1997 Homegrown frame decals, we could start our own hunt for the Holy Grail.       

    Another off-topic – anyone have any input on these 1998/99 frame decals available on Ebay for like $120 bucks?  The images aren’t terribly good, but they don’t look like they’d fit the frame accurately…



    EDIT –=  the 2000/2001 Homegrown decal sets with the N’Lightened Tubing had some of the worst decals ever.  thanks.


    If you’re talking about these:

    They’re the real deal. I bought a set, and they’re made by the same company that made the originals. The actual decals are very thin, you remove the backing, place it on the frame, and remove the top layer. I bought a set to make some reproductions from, but I haven’t tried anything yet. Still $150 is pretty pricey.


    This is aimed at Blue72Beetle

    this auction is for the frame decal from the early roll out 95/96/97 Homegrown Factory frames…


    My favorite color combo, red/silver. 🙂

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