Schwinn Homegrown Model Identifier Forums The Shop For Sale/Trade FOR SALE 1997 ESP Hardtail Red Tomato – for Sale

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  • #954

    SCHWINN homegrown 1997 LXT / ESP Hardtail  (Not sure how to tell the difference)
    Tomato Red
    Collectible HANDMADE IN USA Mountain Bike
    Aluminum, hardtail with Manitou Front Shock
    Deore XT Components.  Original Grip shifters have been replaced, the rest is original

    19 inches (as measured from c/l of bottom bracket to top of seat tube)

    Call Patrick 541 four one nine – 6188 


    The ESP came with grip shifters, LXT had rapid fire.


    That is great to know.  It had the grip shifters when I bought it, and we changed it out.  So, it appears it was an ESP

    Thanks very much for the info.


    Do you still have it?


    This Homegrown is still available and ready for buyer!
    Don’t let this frame go to the “uninformed” bike buyer…
    Call or text me for information. I will ship from local bike shop


    I’ve been looking for a 19″ for my son. We’ll be in SunRiver next month… You want to go riding? he could test it for fit.

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