Schwinn Homegrown Model Identifier Forums The Shop For Sale/Trade 96 HG XT – frame set and Duke XC fork – $100 plus shipping

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  • #1362

    Morning All,

    I had another username, but I can’t seem to find it. Must have been an old email address too, because I couldn’t find it that way either. Anyways, I need to part with my homegrown. It is a 96 XT hardtail. I think its a 19″/L, I will verify. It includes a Duke XC adjustable travel fork. The seals are bad, but I have a rebuild kit somewhere in the basement. I’ll include it, if I can find it.

    They have been ridden a lot. As you would expect with a 20 year old frame, it has lots of nicks and scrapes. Most notably, the drive side chain stay is gouged up. See photos. Otherwise, there is nothing structurally wrong with it.

    Drop outs are good. I also have a spare rear drop out someplace (probably with the rebuild kit) and will include that too, if I can find it.

    I’m not looking for anything ridiculous, just enough to make it worth my time and to get this classic into the hands of someone that will appreciate it. I can ship it to you in the lower 48. I get good UPS discount, but you will pay for actual cost.

    Any questions, or want more photos, please ask.

    – Matt


    If you want help recovering your old user name, PM me some email addresses or names it could have been. No biggie though, obviously.

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