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  • #1524

    My Homegrown (circa 2001?) has had an issue since being built. When shifting, generally going from large to middle chainring over rough terrain, the chain will suck up from the bottom and lodge between the frame and cranks.

    Cranks – XTR 46/36/28 (I think, but is in the shop at the moment)
    Front Derailleur – XTR
    Rear Derailleur – SRAM XO 9-speed
    Cassette – SRAM 9-speed XO compatible

    This frame was a replacement from Schwinn in 2003 for my original 1996/97 Homegrown Race/Pro and was upgraded to XTR about the same time the frame was replaced. I don’t remember having this issue with the original frame, but not sure what parts I was running at that time.


    Actually my frame is a 2001 Homegrown Factory Limited and the specs are very similar to what are found here:


    That’s a sweet ride. If you replaced the chain recently, did you measure it against the old chain? If not , maybe the chain is too long.


    Mechanic removed a link and added a spacer to the spindle, which seems to have helped. Test ride at Sugar Bottom ( was much better than before, with the exception of one shift over rough terrain that caused the chain to suck up into the frame, but it dropped right back out. Hope to do more testing over the next few weeks.

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